About the evaluation of the deterministic chaos parameters at bioelectric activity research of the brain (EEG).

Î. Y. Mayorov, V. N. Fenchenko


         Algorithms for an evaluation of the spe¬ci¬fied parameters of the deterministic chaos are offered in EEG: correlation dimension, embedding dimension, a correlation en¬tropy, an Kolmogorov – Sinai entropy, maxi¬mal Lyapunov exponent, a spectrum of Lyapunov exponents with use of several stationary EEG sites and new definitions of a delay techniques.

Keywords: deterministic chaos, corre¬lation dimension, embedding dimension, correlation entropy, Kolmogorov – Sinai entropy, maximal Lyapunov exponent, spectrum of Lyapunov exponents, qEEG, stationary EEG sites.